Beyond Resilience: Why Bounce Back When You Can Bounce Forwards?
Resilience is a word that we hear and read a lot about at the moment. It can be defined as the capacity to recover quickly from set-backs, difficulties or lifeContinue Reading
A Room with a View- and No Anxiety!
I recently had a lovely stay in the Hilton Hotel, Manchester. It was only when we were en-route to the hotel and my husband pointed it out in the distantContinue Reading
Sugar and Spice and all things nice… what of ‘disgust propensity’?
By Rob Kelly Sugar and Spice and all things nice… SO, just what is the connection between muddy wellies and The Thrive Programme? Modern life is all too trigger-happy onContinue Reading
Who Will I Be Without Anxiety?
Part of my work as a Thrive Coach is helping clients become aware of their limiting beliefs so that we can work together to change them. As the name suggests,Continue Reading
Bipolar and me | Psychreg
I’m tired today! I’m tired of chasing the tail of this bipolar monster. I never seem to be able to take it by the scruff of the neck and startContinue Reading
Fear of flying testimonial
Melissa from Florida, USA, explains how she overcame a fear of flying and elevators (lifts) using FaceTime “Fly Happy” sessions. Well done Melissa, it was a pleasure working with you.Continue Reading
Do you pay attention to everything your mind tells you? by Fiona Brown – THRIVE | Rob Kelly
Do you pay attention to everything your mind tells you? Our minds can take us on a wild goose ride with all the “What if’s” and “I should have’s.” TheContinue Reading
6 Ways to Stop Overthinking Everything | Psychology Today
4. Schedule a time for it, and stick to it. Source: 6 Ways to Stop Overthinking Everything | Psychology TodayContinue Reading
In a healthy state of mind: experts discuss the link between mental health and overall well-being
People with mental-health issues are no longer relegated to silent suffering. We talk to the experts in the field, who link what goes on in our heads to our overallContinue Reading
How to Stop Worrying | Psychology Today
Proven ways to break the cycle and give your mind a break Source: How to Stop Worrying | Psychology TodayContinue Reading